

MentorPhysics.in is all about Study Materials and Notes Helping Hand For Physics Entrance exams and Jobs, like IIT JAM PHYSICS, CSIR NET PHYSICS, GATE PHYSICS, JEST PHYSICS, TIFR PHYSICS, BARC PHYSICS & other Entrance Exams


IIT JAM Physics is a renowned entrance exam for M.Sc. programs in physics at top Indian institutes. It evaluates candidates’ knowledge of fundamental physics concepts and mathematical skills. Success in this exam opens doors to prestigious academic and research opportunities.


CSIR NET Physics is a prominent national-level exam for aspiring physicists. It serves as a gateway to rewarding research fellowships and teaching positions in India. With a focus on comprehensive physics knowledge and problem-solving abilities, success in CSIR NET Physics paves the way for impactful contributions to the scientific community.


GATE Physics stands as a pivotal exam for those pursuing higher studies and career advancements in physics. It opens avenues for admission to esteemed postgraduate programs and unlocks opportunities in research, academia, and industry. With its emphasis on core physics concepts and analytical skills, GATE Physics sets the stage for a promising future in the field.


JEST Physics, the Joint Entrance Screening Test for Physics, is a vital examination for aspiring researchers and scholars in physics. It serves as a gateway to prestigious doctoral programs and research opportunities in India. With a focus on assessing candidates’ understanding of advanced physics concepts and problem-solving abilities, JEST Physics propels aspiring physicists towards fulfilling careers in academia and research.

Basic Physics Handwritten Notes For IIT JAM Physics - MentorPhysics.in

These are the basic Of Physics Notes By Our belover Pradeep Kshetrapal Sir, these handwritten notes not only going to build your conceptual thinking towards Physics  but also it helps boost your entrance exam preparation,

Though these notes cover the basic syllabus of the Physics at the same time these notes provide you the solution of various exams question paper like AIPMT, NEST and other medical exams paper.

These notes are for those who preparing for various entrance exams like AIPMT, NEST, AIIMS, NEET, IIT JAM PHYSICS & other Entrance Exams.

Please go through the notes and make your own copy.

Class Handwritten Notes - MentorPhysics

Reference Books For CSIR NET/JRF, GATE, TIFR, BARC, JEST Physics

Mathematical Physics
1. Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences : Mary L. Boas Buy Now From Amazon
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: Erwin Kreyszig Buy Now From Amazon
3. Mathematical Physics: H. K. Dass Buy Now From Amazon
Classical Mechanics
1. Classical Mechanics : J.C. Upadhyaya Buy Now From Amazon
2. Classical Mechanics : Herbert Goldstein Buy Now From Amazon
3. An Introduction to Mechanics: Kleppner & Kolenkow Buy Now From Amazon
4. Concept of Physics (Volume I): H. C. Verma Buy Now From Amazon
Electromagnetic Theory
1. Introduction to Electrodynamics: David J. Griffiths Buy Now From Amazon
2. Classical Electrodynamics: Walter Griener Buy Now From Amazon
3. Electricity & Magnetism: B. Ghosh Buy Now From Amazon
Quantum Mechanics
1. Quantum Mechanics Concepts & Applications: Nouredine Zettili Buy Now From Amazon
2. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: David J. Griffiths Buy Now From Amazon
3. Quantum Physics: H.C. Verma Buy Now From Amazon
4. Quantum mechanics: 500 problems with solutions: G. Aruldhas Buy Now From Amazon
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
1. Fundamentals of Statistical & Thermal Physics: F. Rief Buy Now From Amazon
2. Statistical Mechanics: R. K. Patharia Buy Now From Amazon
3. Thermal Physics: Garg, Bansal, Ghosh Buy Now From Amazon
4. A Textbook of Statistical Mechanics: Suresh Chandra Buy Now From Amazon
Electronics & Experimental Methods
1. Digital Electronics: Malvino & Leach Buy Now From Amazon
2. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory: Boylestad & Nashelsky Buy Now From Amazon
3. Electronic Devices & Circuits: Jacob Millman & Christos C. Halkias Buy Now From Amazon
Atomic & Molecular Physics
1. Atomic and Molecular Physics: Raj Kumar Buy Now From Amazon
2. Fundamental of Molecular Spectroscopy: Colin N. Banwell & Elaine M. McCash Buy Now From Amazon
3. Introduction to Atomic Spectra: Harvey Elliott White Buy Now From Amazon
Condensed Matter Physics
1. Introduction to Solid State Physics: Charles Kittel Buy Now From Amazon
2. Solid State Physics: Puri & Babbar Buy Now From Amazon
3. Solid State Physics: M. A. Wahab Buy Now From Amazon
Nuclear and Particle Physics
1. Nuclear Physics: D. C. Tayal Buy Now From Amazon
2. Nuclear Physics, An Introduction: S. B. Patel Buy Now From Amazon
3. Introduction to Elementary Particles: David J. Griffiths Buy Now From Amazon